Friday, May 7, 2010

Fo(a)r - Wo(a)rds -> My Literary Stile

I like to call it Psychedelic Literalism, or Literal Psychedelia. It is bright and illuminates. But it is also dark and obscuring.

The word Psychedelic starts from the latin and means voyage of the soul or soul voyager. And the word psychedelic ends with the C, or with the capability to C. It makes one blind. What is specially incredible about it though is that even the blind can C it. But only when they want to C nothing else, because as they become blind their senses go sensibly wild and strongly demand or evoke their attention.

Every concept has an opposite to make itself valid. Black and white. Natural and Unnatural. Love and Heat. Blue and Orange. Green and Red. Ridiculous and Intelligent. So it is with Psychedelic. But what is its opposite? What makes it valid? It is literalism, or, in more aggressive terms, empirical objectivism.

The soul voyager is open to his adventure and he is devoid of meaning, but that of exploration and perhaps finding other meanings. On the other hand, the literal by-stander is closed. So full of meaning it is that no need of meaning there is. As a consequence, it doesn't move into adventures. It is solid and complete - at least it feels so, until they happen to encounter a voyager. The voyager believes that his completeness lies in his incompleteness, until he meets the by-stander and a doubt arises.

My words are made by both voyager and by-stander, musically interchanging place with each other. The music, only them can hear. What we can experience is their reaction to the music; their dance; their meetings and departures; love-making and fights. It may seem ugly sometimes, but the truth is that they are very much enjoying themselves, doing what they feel it is right to do.

Literal Psychedelia is the union of the concrete and the abstract, the imaginary and the unreal. A challenge to reason for all the reasons available. Perhaps one would do better to partake on Literal Psychedelia with no reason, otherwise knots can be released and create much tension. How contradictory our world is!! To leave all reasons behind for the sake of all reasons! What monsters are we, to cause so much damage to the reasons?!

So what are we left to do with ourselves, these wild beasts incapable of dealing with delicacies? We are to chain ourselves, and become a by-stander, or run away, and become a voyager living by his own means. What is essential is that the beast in us must die. And someone has to kill it.

Is it wise to wait all your life for a lost bullet to collide with your found head, when you could simply end it with one click? How afraid our beastly self is of our killer self. If it doesn't decide to chain itself or run, it will come to bribery. The beast (666 - personal annotation) will give everything it has for his time to be postponed, hoping that the killer will tire off with all the other loose beasts.

Poor beast, so scared of dying, doesn't even realize that the killer would eventually make him as a slave when he had nothing else to give. And then its quite late for easy suicide. Although suicide is always possible and highly recommended for beasts.

Death is a dark subject. Not many people like dark subjects. They say nowadays that dark subjects influence the mind badly and make people be what they are not. That people should only pay attention to bright subjects or what pleases them. This is a big lie, probably created by slavish beasts in the attempt of being the last ones to die.

People who don't like dark are simply people who can't see in the dark. And these people are easy pray, obligated as they are to retire at night. The killer is the bringer of darkness. How could a beast of light escape its destiny of dwelling on the killer's darkness? By accustoming itself to strong light it becomes completely blind in the dark and is unable to run, to chain itself or even suicide. A slave of a slave. What a never ending life that must be. A beast as such looks for fun without knowing what fun is. A torment to himself and all around.

Death may be a dark subject. Perhaps the darkest. But what is the value o darkness without light? You need so much light for so much darkness to be of use. One could say then, through the contradictory foundation of our world (that of communication), that death is the brightest thing of all. So bright it is that people avoid looking at it. It makes the eyes - through which the reason of the empirical objectivist works - hurt and go blind. Just like the Sun and its Psychedelic properties.

How great is the Sun! Giver of warmth and life; never-ending power; benefactor of the manifestation of nature; destroyer of all impurities through ardent desire for justice.

I believe you may be starting to comprehend my feelings, and normally I would stop here for the writing to be picked up in the next page. But I feel that I have given here too much credit to darkness, as I feel that I usually do. Light and Darkness cannot exist one without the other, so I found myself in need of a last explanation.

It will be offered, as an excuse, or a tip, for this unreasonableness of mine to favor darkness, one more picture for the final understanding of my approach and style. Contemplate with me the phenomena know as Solar Eclipse and its brief and sporadic appearance. It makes one day, of all days, become dark as night. But there is no such thing as a night becoming day( long days and long nights perhaps). No other light comes to the Earth as the light of the Sun. Nights are always nights. Unlike days, that are interrupted by solar eclipses.

And this is the Psychedelic Literalism; The Solar Eclipse.

The killer is out and he has blinking multi-colored flashlights.

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