Monday, April 6, 2009

Conversations with them.

They say I think too much.
But they don't realize they are only making me think more.
I tell them they don't think enough.
But they pretend they are deaf and just ignore.

I share my lack of interest.
I explain the way I feel.
I try to reason my incompatibility.
Hoping that once again a connection will be made.

All in vein.

What I receive as feedback are mere self-contradictory judgments about how I am judgmental.
I can't say that people are like this or like that. But the people who feel offended by what I say have the right to say that I am like this or like that?

Why so many unnecessary shields against imminent changes?


.luísa pollo said...

todos esses escudos porque é exatamente assim que as pessoas são. você acabou dizendo mesmo dizendo não ter o direito de dizer.

Caillean )0( said...

este é o grande problema das pessoas, julgar e rotular inconsequentemente. Mas... diga sempre o que pensa, porque afinal nos somos o que pensamos e é assim que nos tornamos diferentes da maioria das pessoas. A isso eu chamo liberdade e criatividade.

Um abraço